Forum Rules
You must follow the following rules in order to participate and maintain your account on this forum. If you do not you will be banned from these message boards, or possibly have your account deleted.
1. Usernames, display names, posts, signatures, personal text and custom titles must all be in English and may not contain content promoting the use of illegal drugs, alcohol, sex, pornography, nudity, or any other form of adult content, profanity, hate, "spam", fraud, racism, mlm, pyramid schemes, or promote any illegal activity.
2. Avatars and images may not contain text or font in any other language besides English, they may not contain content promoting the use of illegal drugs, alcohol, sex, pornography, nudity, or any other form of adult content, profanity, hate, "spam", fraud, racism, mlm, pyramid schemes, or promote any illegal activity.
3. Censor your language if it is not automatically censored for you.
4. Make posts legible and easy to understand/read.
5. Please provide useful information and an on topic response in accordance with the topic you are responding to.
6. Do not create duplicate threads, or other threads with the same topic. Please instead respond to the original thread.
7. Do not harass, insult, provoke, flame or attempt to intimidate other members.
8. Do not discriminate against other member's opinions, beliefs or ideals.
9. Be respectful to other members and do not bicker, argue or "debate" with other members in any way.
10. Respect staff members and do not belittle them. All staff decisions are final and may only be argued by higher ranking, or equivalent ranking staff members.
11. Please refrain from double posting. Either modify your last post, or wait for someone else to post. Double posting can be tolerated in certain areas of the forum.
12. Please provide a link if you are presenting factual information from a reliable and creditable source. Also provide a link to your source if you are either quoting information, or using an image that is not your own.
13. Do not use or activate another member's account for any reason.
14. Do not create more than one account without the express permission of a staff member.
15. Please do not PM or email members directly, unless otherwise specified, for code, image or support requests. Please post the request in the appropriate thread or board.
16. Do not advertise anywhere other than the Feedback board. Or if you would like you may post links in your signature and make reference to them when posting. You may however recommend sites and message boards that are not your own in corresponding threads. All other links found elsewhere will be removed.
17. Please provide a link if you have an extensively long URL that you would like to post or use in your signature instead of posting the URL or image by using the code below.
[url=URL of site]Text[/url]
These rules are subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the administrator. All rules will be enforced on all current, previous and future content in these message boards. Your account may be suspended or deleted for any reason by a staff member of these message boards.